FIS abbreviated for Federation International de Ski founded in the year 1924 made its debut the same year at Chamonix Winter Games. Since then, Ski has become an even more popular sport across the globe.
Skiing Disciplines
There are six disciplines of Ski- Alpine, Skin Jumping, Nordic Combined, Cross Country, Snowboarding, and Freestyle. Out of these six, the older ones are Alpine, Cross Country, Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined. The other two are new in the field. For anyone to participate in any of the disciplines, you need to have the requisite skills with endurance, determination, dexterity, and speed.
Cross Country
This discipline has cross country events in total of twelve. There are different categories of men and women. While men can participate in team sprint, 30 km pursuit, 50 km mass start, 4×10 relay, sprint, women can participate in 10 km individual start, 15 km pursuit, 30 km mass start, 4×5 relay, sprint and team sprint.
This discipline is known for shortest duration competition. Due to smoother turns, more people participate.
1st International Medal in Skiing for India – Thanks to Aanchal Thakur
Ski Jumping
In this discipline, each athlete is allowed two jumps. The combined highest scorer is declared the winner. Many teams participate after the first two jumps, eights best teams are selected.
In total, this discipline has six events of snowboarding in different categories.
Freestyle Skiing
Freestyle skiing discipline is open to all. Men and women can participate and enjoy the event.
Nordic Combined
In this discipline, you find three combined skiing events. Each event has ski jumping as well as cross country racing competition. If it is a normal Gundersen event, competition for ski jumping takes place at an altitude of 90 m, if it is for larger event, the altitude of the hill is 120 m. If it is the cross country Gundersen event, the teams have to undergo 10 km race along with 4×5 km relay.
Cold countries have this tradition of ski competition every year. Lovers of skiing ensure to be a part of it and not just compete with various teams but also enjoy one of the best moments of their lives. Ski jumping needs mastery of skills mentioned. If you have it in you, go and participate. Excitement is waiting for you.