
Here’s your adventure destinations to beat the lockdown blues

Life is all about adventure which in itself comes with lots of twists and turns. High and fascinating peaks and mountains, fascinating and challenging rivers and their rapids, a chance to get closer to the flora and fauna of the country and experience a rush in the adrenaline, this is all what an adventure destination […]



Fly High At Bir Billing Paragliding Bir Billing is the most yearning dream spot for flying located in the Kangra region in Himachal Pradesh. Set against the Dhauladhar Range of the Indian Himalayas’ backdrop, paragliding in Bir billing offers a beautiful location for natural paragliding and is a brilliant homestead of mountains. The Bir billing paragliding season is from March to May and […]

Nature Adventure Camp in Kanakapura

Create Memories That Will Last A Lifetime With These Three Adventure Activities

“The greatest legacy we leave our children is happy memories.” – Og Mandino Away from everything, I have a lot of places I call home. You might think I am traveling again but for me, that is where I belong, Are you experiencing the traveling urge. A new place to explore. A new experience waiting […]

nag tibba trekking

Adrenaline Rush Alert – Fill Your Soul With These 5 Adventure Activities This Summer

Blessed are those who take out time to go back to nature once in a while. Missing the adrenaline rush. That heart pump when you look danger in the eye and overcome it by jumping off in the mountains or rafting your way through heavy Gange’s currents. How about taking a stroll in nature but […]

Skydiving in India Air Strip, Narnaul, Haryana

Refresh Your Bucket List With These Five Thrilling Adventure Activities

A mere decade back, adventure used to be a privileged activity in India. A hesitant thought would commonly pass if one would talk about trekking into Himalayas or going for a biking trip through the rugged mountains of the north. The world-wide access to internet has tumbled this taboo upside down and today, increasing amount […]