
Top 11 Places To Explore With Your Girl Gang

Women love a lot of things besides diamonds, and that list includes travelling at a high-priority list. Another thing women adore as much are their friendships, that is, their girlfriends, including uncountable shopping sprees, lengthy discussions and hour-long *casual* phone calls. Now, the phenomenon which takes place when we combine the two things is no […]

allepey backwaters 1

Things To Do in Kerala- Glimpses of God’s Own Country

Kerala, often referred as ‘Keralam’, lies wedged between the Western Ghats on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. The quaint and charming place is perfect destination for relaxing and rejuvenating in the beauty of palm fringed beaches and lush green undulating hills. A combination of tranquil backwaters, distinctive culture and traditions, attractive […]


Wildlife in Assam

Located in the Eastern Himalayan region, Assam promises to be an excellent opportunity for observing wildlife in its natural habitat, as it is part of the Eastern Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot, exhibiting higher species density than most areas. But when it comes down to memorable experiences, which place offers the best wildlife viewing opportunities? Here’s a […]