Gokarna Beach Trek

Enjoy The Fun Of Ultimate Adventure And Thrill With These Four Amazing Trip Options

India is a land of diversities and people seeking an adventurous getaway generally do not need to go to exotic destination overseas. With countless destinations and tour options to choose from, the adventure seekers can enjoy a truly great experience in a more affordable and exciting manner. In fact, people interested in being a part […]

Pruthu Mehta enroute Ladakh

Three Thrilling Biking Trips That Every Adventure Enthusiast Must Enjoy At Least Once

Biking is considered to be one of the most thrilling and exciting activities. The thrill is enhanced even further, when the bike ride is to be undertaken along some of the most difficult and amazing terrains. The picturesque sights provide a refreshing treat to the participants besides quenching their thirst for thrill and adventure. While […]

Leh Ladakh Highway To Heaven Bike Trip

Monsoon Has Arrived, And So Has The Season Of Riding To Leh Ladakh!

La La Land! You might think of the movie, but I am talking about the land of high mountain passes, legendary terrain, freezing temperatures and treacherous roads. And yet, year after year, people flock to this formidable area, like pilgrims on their journey of discovery. Ladhak! The name itself means land of high passes. Uttered […]