Despite being a relatively new concept, the trend of adventure sports is becoming increasingly popular amongst the Indian masses, especially those belonging to the younger generations. Only a few decades back investing in such activities was considered to be not only wastage of money and time but also a foolish act that unnecessarily put the life and safety of the participants at risk. However, with the changing times the outlook and attitude of people towards participation in various adventure activities has also undergone a significant change. Consequently, over the years there has been a marginal increase in the number of people taking part in these activities offered at various destinations across the country.
The Thrill Of River Rafting
One of the most popular adventure activities, which is enthusiastically followed by countless people across the country is that of river rafting. It is undoubtedly one of the most fun filled and exciting adventure sports that make the adrenaline rush through the veins of the participants. The very idea of rowing a boat in the angry waves of the gushing river flowing down a hilly terrain and spraying cold, violent droplets of water in every direction is enough to cause goose bumps in any individual. But the very challenge of conquering one of the strongest forces of nature is what drives the rafters to take part in this extremely stimulating and exhilarating adventure sport.
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Gaining A Better Understanding Of The Activity
Rafting is undoubtedly one of the most thrilling water sports activities, which cannot be completed in a successful manner without proper team work and co-ordination. The activity requires a team of people to row their boat through the gushing water of a river as it meanders its way over the difficult rocky terrain of the mountain or even plains. The activity helps the participants to connect with raw nature and experience its sheer force and majesty. Like most other adventure activities, rafting also has its own difficulty levels, which are generally based on the roughness of the water through which the rafters have to row their boats. These levels of difficulty are generally referred to as grades in the world of rafting and range between 1 and 6, with the higher numbers indicating greater roughness of the water. The classification of each grade is given below.
- Grade 1 rafting is meant for participants with minimal rafting skill and experience. In general, the rafters opting for this level of the activity can be assured of minimal movement of their raft as the roughness of the water is almost negligible.
- Grade 2 rafting is slightly difficult than Grade 1 as the rafters are expected to manoeuvre their boats over small rocks and boulders. In addition the movement of the rafts is also more pronounced as the water is comparatively rougher than that in the previous grade.
- Grade 3 rafting is generally carried in rivers featuring white water. This essentially means that participants of this grade have to overcome the challenge of moving their boats through fast gushing water of a river flowing over a relatively difficult terrain.
- Grade 4 rafting is meant only for participants with considerable experience about the activity. It requires them to manoeuvre their boats over medium sized rocks and waves and also take it safely over considerable drops while handling sharp movements of the boat itself.
- Grade 5 rafting is considerably difficult as it requires the participants to traverse over significantly deeper rivers featuring larger rocks and dangerous spots. The rapid and sharp movements that need to be handled during this level of rafting require the participants to have ample practice and experience.
- Grade 6 rafting is the most difficult and even considerably risky and is meant only for people who have years of experience and practice. Only the truly skilled rafters can complete the activity of this grade given the dangerous rapids and terrain that over which they need t handle their boats.
All About Safe Water Rafting
River Rafting Options In India
India is a land of varied landscapes and great geographical diversity, which makes it one of the best places to enjoy a wide range of adventure activities. With a plethora of rivers roaring across the length and breadth of the country, there is no shortage of destinations for people to enjoy river rafting. What is more interesting is that the wide choice of destinations ensures that the adventure enthusiasts do not have to wait to enjoy the activity during a specific time of the year. In fact, most major rivers provide the rafters the freedom of enjoying the activity almost all year round. At the same time, the few rivers where the activity can be conducted only during a specific period of the year, promise of unparallel thrill and enjoyment. Irrespective, of the destination that the rafters choose, they can be assured of having extreme fun while maneuvering their boats through the unbridled water and maneuvering it through the parlous rapids that pass through some of the most enchanting natural settings.
Four Best Places To Enjoy Rafting In India
As mentioned before, there are several places in India where adventure enthusiasts can enjoy the fun of rafting. However, the following four destinations are considered to be the best places to experience the joy and thrill of this activity in the most exciting and memorable manner.
Rafting In Zanskar River
Zanskar valley in Ladakh is renowned for its unique natural beauty comprising mostly of a rough and extreme landscape. The region, which features majestic snow clad mountains and vast glaciers with the extremely beautiful Zanskar River flowing through it. The valley is situated at a height of 12000 feet above sea level and remains cut off from the rest of the world for most part of the year, thanks to the harsh winters, which lead to excessive snowfall. However, the area opens up for a few weeks during the peak summer months when the snow melts and the gushing waters of the Zanskar River are ready to welcome the rafters who come here to enjoy the thrill of enjoying their favorite activity on the roof of the world.
Highlights Of The Expedition
For most people participating in the Zanskar River rafting expedition, the experience is unlike any other they might have had before. With the expedition offering the participants an opportunity to scale rapids of Grade 3 and 4, there is ample thrill and challenge for the participants to last a lifetime. At the same time, the expedition takes the rafters through some of the most picturesque sights. As the participants row their boats across the chilling waters of Zanskar, they feel overwhelmed by the spectacular landscapes that surround them on all sides. From the towering snow capped mountains to the deep gorges, hilltop monasteries to small quaint villages on hillsides and even the unique wildlife of the region, everything they set their eyes on makes them feel dwarfed by nature. Apart from the fun of rafting on this gushing and bustling river, the rafters also get to enjoy the thrill of camping along the river bank and relishing the simple yet delightful cuisine of the region.
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Statistical Details Of The Expedition
In order to fully enjoy the Zanskar River rafting, it is important for the participants to have complete statistical details about the trip. The expedition is generally offered as a part of Markha Valley trekking trip, which lasts for 6 days and 5 nights. However, the rafting expedition lasts for only about 3 hours during which time the rafters cover a distance of 28 kms. All the necessary rafting and safety equipment is provided by the guide for the trip. Despite the short duration and the limited rafting activity, the overall experience is truly mesmerizing and one of the more classic adventures of the participants lives.
Rishikesh is one of the most popular destinations to enjoy river rafting almost all year round. The gurgling waters of River Ganga and its tributaries create a perfect setting for adventure lovers to enjoy the thrill of conquering one of the most powerful forces of nature. Rowing their boats amidst the lush green Himalayan surroundings with the towering snow peaked mountains looking over them, makes the rafters feel naturally safe and motivates them to keep moving on. The fact that River Ganga is one of the holiest rivers of India, simply adds to the excitement of Rishikesh rafting making the entire expedition full of mystique and a sense of spirituality.
Highlights Of The Expedition
For most adventure seekers, the experience of enjoying rafting in Rishikesh is truly fulfilling and even enchanting. This is because Rishikesh is one of the few destinations in India that offers the adventure activity in all its difficulty grades. From the rugged and uneven settings to the challenge of conquering some of the most herculean rapids, every aspect of enjoying rafting in this small holy city is completely unique and enthralling. Moreover, the activity can be enjoyed by adventure enthusiasts with varying levels of experience in this water sport. From beginners to professionals and even experts, River Ganga provides the best rafting opportunities for people seeking fun and adventure according their own comfort level.
In keeping with the diverse rafting needs of the visitors, there is no dearth of professionals offering advice and guidance about the best ways to enjoy the activity. This combined with the mesmerizing landscape and the unusual beauty of the area through which the River Ganga flows, adds to the overall excitement level of the expedition. Most importantly the diverse terrain of River Ganga itself provides a great setting for the rafters to get the most out of their favorite activity and that too while being surrounded by the awe-inspiring and picturesque sights of the majestic Himalayas. Book The Event ::: Rishikesh River Rafting
Statistical Details Of Rishikesh Rafting
While choosing the most appropriate river rafting in Rishikesh packages, it is important for the participants to be aware of the statistical details of the expedition. There is a wide choice of options available to the participants in terms of not only the distance that the rafters can cover but also the level of difficulty they can opt for. Although the destination is open for rafting all through the year, most rafters come here during the post monsoon season. This is primarily due to the fact that during this time the holy River Ganga is in full flow and the natural surroundings have attained a lively appeal and appearance.
Rafting in Kolad River
The quaint little town of Kolad is one of the most popular destinations to enjoy the activity of white river rafting near Mumbai. The best aspect of enjoying this adventure water sports in this area is that it is open for rafting all year round. This naturally enhances the fun and thrill of the activity as the participants do not have to especially plan a trip in accordance with the best time to enjoy the activity. Rather they can just add Kolad River rafting to a host of other adventure activities that they might be planning in the area at the very last moment. The Kundlika River on which the rafting activity is actually performed meanders through some of the most beautiful landscapes which provide an enchanting view for the rafters to enjoy. The calm and peaceful settings make the participants feel naturally refreshed and relaxed besides helping them to reconnect with Mother Nature in a unique manner.
Highlights Of The Activity
People, who come to enjoy rafting at Kolad are required to cover a rafting distance of 13 kms on the beautiful Kundalika River. The activity is carried out on the let off section of the hydroelectric project that operates on the river. The rafters can feel the adrenaline rushing through their veins as they enjoy the spray of water that surrounds them on all sides and drenches not only their bodies but also their souls. It is quite common to see the even the most avid rafters shouting at the top of their lungs with excitement as they maneuver their boats through the gushing waters and difficult rapids of Kundalika. They are often amazed by the sheer forced exercised by this element of nature that is considered to be generally calm and soothing. For most rafters the fear of being gulped down by the seemingly angry waves adds to the thrill of conquering them and emerging as the winner.
Statistical Details Of The Activity
Kolad is one of the most visited places by rafting enthusiast in Maharashtra and is often referred to as the Rishikesh of this state. The expedition provides the participants with a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty and majesty of the Shayadari Ranges, through which the Kundlika River makes its way. The River offers the participants an opportunity to enjoy the activity at all levels of difficulty grading. This makes Kolad a perfect spot to take fun in the activity irrespective of whether they are inexepreinced in this thrilling water sport or are professional experts seeking the highest level of thrill and adventure. As mentioned before, the place is open all year round making it possible for the rafters to book a package as and when they find the time to enjoy the activity.
Rafting In Kundalika
The Kundalika River that originates in the small town of Bhira in Maharashtra is renowned as the perfect rafting destination within the state. As the river makes it way across the majestic Shayadari Ranges, it leaves behind a mesmerizing trail of lush green nature that is extremely soothing and appealing. In addition during the course of its flow, the river gives birth to rapids of different grading levels that provide a perfect setting for people, who are enthusiastic about rafting. The experience of enjoying Kundalika River rafting is totally different from that of enjoying the activity within the Himalayan ranges. This is not only because of the significant difference in the terrain of the two regions but also the sights and scenes that the rafters get to enjoy while moving over the river. However, the one thing that is common to the experience of rafting in both these regions is the level of thrill and excitement it provides to the participants.
Highlights Of The Expedition
Although, the rafting expedition on Kundalika River lasts for only about 2 hours, it provides the satisfaction that is similar to enjoying hours of the activity at any other destination. This is mainly due to the diversity of not only the rapids where the participants enjoy the water sports activity but also the calm and peaceful natural settings that surround then throughout the activity. Despite the activity being open for adventure enthusiasts all year around, the fun of taking part in it during the months of June through October holds its own unique charm. During this time the River Kundalika is in its full bloom and the immediate surroundings also have taken on a fresh and lively look. The rush of adrenaline that the participants get as they row their boat through the mild and fast rapids, often leaves them totally dazed and amazed at the various forms of nature.
Statistical Details About The Activity
Being located quite close to two major cities of Mumbai and Pune, the popularity of rafting in Kundalika River has grown significantly over the past several years. Apart from the adventure enthusiast, the activity has become a popular choice of people seeking a relaxing and refreshing getaway within a short distance of their residential cities. This has naturally led to a rise in the number of operators providing rafting facilities. Such service providers ensure that the inexperienced participants are provides ample training to keep them safe. In addition they plan the packages in a manner that ensures maximum thrill and fun for the participants. Given the limited duration of the activity, they often combine it with other adventure activities to ensure that the rafters get the best value for their money. Overall, booking a rafting expedition in Kundalika proves to be one of the most exciting activities that the participants are likely to enjoy during their lifetime. Coorg – The Ultimate Rafting Destination
A Word Of Caution
Irrespective of which of the above rafting expeditions the participants choose to take part in, there are a few basic guidelines that they should always adhere to. This is important to not only ensure that they enjoy the activity fully but also to keep them safe and prevent the occurrence of any mishap. The most important of these guidelines are listed as follows. The Don’ts of White Water Rafting
- It is important for the participants to remember that rafting is a risky activity, no matter how minimal the risk may be. As such they should gain complete details about the various aspects related to this activity, especially those related to the personal safety of the participants.
- The rafters should make sure that they are both physically and mentally fit to take part in the activity. In case they are undergoing any treatment or are on regular medication, they should seek the advice of their doctor before booking the rafting package.
- In case of inexperienced participants, it is important to give full time and attention towards their training. This can prove extremely critical in saving their life especially if they accidentally fall off from their boat during the activity.
- As with other adventure activities, the participants are required to attend a mandatory instruction session before the beginning of the rafting activity. All participants should attend this session irrespective of the level of expertise they might be having in this area. This is because the instructions might include some new information that might prove crucial during the rafting activity.
- While booking a rafting package, it is important for the participants to ensure that they choose an operator that offer a proper guide and instructor to be with them during the entire duration of the activity. It is also essential to ascertain that these guides or instructors are not only professionally qualified but also well trained as only then can they ensure the complete safety and well being of the rafters.

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